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Tuesday, November 19, 2024


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Recent Articles

Waiting on God the LORD’S Visits

Waiting on God the LORD’S Visits

Greetings again my Brethren.  Wow this year soon will be half over.  I guess it is true the older you get the faster time flies by.  Oh for the days of youth and lingering shadows when playing till our mom's would call for supper time. Let us continue...

Reckless Abandonment

Reckless Abandonment

Some people say (and I strongly agree) we are not really ready to live unless we are ready to die.  Did you know losing our life is the heart of Christianity if we desire to become what God wants us to become?  In the Gospel of John we read,  "Verily,...

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren.  Let us start to look at a brand new section called,  "The LORD Visits."  Now we know the Lord Jesus Christ visited us as a child, growing into manhood, began His earthly ministry, was crucified on a cross, and ended His...

Our Selfishness

Our Selfishness

By David Stahl Karen and I (and even Connie and Joshua) like Boxers as pets.  Over the years we have had many boxers.  When we moved to Germany in 1996 we brought two dogs:  one named "Rocky" half Cocker Spaniel and Lhasoapso and the other of course a...

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren.  Wow where is the year going?  You hear as you grow older time flies by faster the older you get and my dear friend it is true, but it is also true time is not mine it is God's and He is not keeping it as we do.  This month...

The Intent of Our Heart

The Intent of Our Heart

By David Stahl No matter what we do (even for God) does not matter if the intent of our heart is wrong.  All of our service and good works in the church, money given, even our perfect attendance will not matter to God if our motives and intentions are...

A Breathing taking video of Nepal

Take a moment to enjoy the breathtakingly beautiful Himalayas of Nepal. Video credit: pastor Tek’s Son. 

Donations for Ukraine Aid for the Household of Faith

We have a colleague who is actively delivering medical supplies, food, and aid to the civilians in Ukraine and Ukrainians who have fled and need assistance. This cause is near and dear to our hearts. Please join us in praying for them and if you feel led to give to the cause, please contact David at (910)382-9287 or email at All is appreciated.

Please consider donating to our continued efforts of bringing God’s word around the world.  We have established with the LORD’s help a radio station in Kathmandu, Nepal Good News FM 105.1, the only Christian owned radio station in south Asia and are in the very slow process of establishing another radio station in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  In Africa:  Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Congo, Nigeria, and so many more countries we minister in Churches and Bible Schools. In India we work with two Godly ministries;  DAWN Ministry and Gospel Assembly.  In Western Europe:  Germany, Switzerland, and France, in Eastern Europe:  Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, and the Balkans, and down to Macedonia, Greece,  and Turkey please help us continue our efforts traveling the world sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Literature & Study Materials

Principles of Spiritual Authority

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Principles of Spiritual Authority

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Principles of Righteous Living – Four Anchors of God

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Principles of The Body of Christ

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Principles of Prayer

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Adventures With God

This book is full of Adventures with God. It is filled with my life experiences in God over the last nine years. It is our life experiences God uses to reveal His nature and character to us and to conform us into…

Thoughts for Consideration

When I think of the depth of this book my teacher and mentor Charles Haun comes to mind. As we would move from duty station to duty station, Charles would find time to stop and spend time with us. When he would open up the word of God at our…

God Still Performs Miracles: A Book of Personal Encouragement

Throughout history miracles have had a dramatic and significant impact on the affairs of “man” (mankind, both man and woman). Man longs for God’s supernatural intervention in their lives…