Waiting on The Lord’s Visit

Waiting on The Lord’s Visit

Greetings again my Brethren.  Well, another teaching for the glory of God.  As I said last month this month we will start a brand new series called “The Oracles of God.” Before we get going we need to lay a solid...
Be Not Conformed

Be Not Conformed

They say if you want to hide something from someone do it in front of them.  As a school teacher I have learned the skilled talkers do not sit in the back of the room, but in the front.  So too with Scripture.  One of the most preached on and recited verse in the...
Waiting on the Lord’s Visit

Waiting on the Lord’s Visit

THOUGHTS FOR CONSIDERATION:          Greetings again my Brethren. Okay let us finish up looking at some circumstances in which the LORD has visited man as seen in some diverse situations and believe it or not this...
Waiting on The Lord’s Visit

Waiting on the Lord’s Visit

Greetings again my Brethren.  Well, praise God!  With this September edition of Beholding His Glory we start our 20th year of service to God and the Body of Christ. Back in 2002 while I was pastoring at Christliche Gemeinde Stuttgart the people said, Pastor...
Waiting on The Lord’s Visit

Waiting on the Lord’s Visit

Greetings again my Brethren.  One more month and we will start our 20th year of service to the LORD and the Body of Christ.  It only seems like yesterday we started Beholding His Glory back in September 2002, while living in Germany.  God asked me to...
Waiting on The Lord’s Visit

Waiting on The Lord’s Visit

Greetings again my Brethren. Okay let us continue  looking at ways and even circumstances “the LORD”  (the Father) and even “the Lord” (Jesus) has paid man a visit.  Some times their visits are good as we will see here in 1 Kings...
Waiting on The Lord’s Visit

Waiting on the Lord’s Visit

         Greetings again my Brethren. Okay more this month about when Jesus visited the disciples and others in the Scriptures. As we have said in months past Jesus comes for a visit usually when we are in a situation or...
Waiting on The Lord’s Visit

Waiting on the Lord’s Visit

Greetings again my Brethren.  Last month we looked at the LORD coming to us during a time of rest and this month we will look at the time when we most hope the LORD shows up or visits and that is when we are in trouble. Often we look at trouble as something that...