Greetings my Brethren. Let us continue to look at the “Principles of Service” as it relates to the call of God on our lives. Service to God and man is to be a fruit in our lives as we work for the LORD. It is not we are to be served by God and man, but...
Greetings again my Brethren. This month we will start a new section looking at the divine, “Principles of Service.” To do this we use the “Living Creatures” from the Book of Ezekiel as a backdrop. Don’t you know we are...
Greetings again my Brethren. Last month we ended up talking about how a pat on the back from God ought to be enough for us, but sadly that is not the case (in include myself in this group at times) in most Christians lives. God will never forsake His people who are...
Greetings again my Brethren. Let us continue to look at God’s divine provision as it related to the provision for His ministers. Now I will be honest from the start I do not believe it is good for the pastor or minister in the local Body of Christ to receive a pay...
Greetings again my Brethren. This month let us continue to look at God’s divine provision in our call from God. Now before we can see God’s divine provision we first must be able to see God’s divine call on our lives. It all starts and ends (in His purpose and plan)...
Greetings again my Brethren. This edition of our newsletter begins our 13th year of service to the Body of Christ. We have been battered and bruised, but with God’s grace and mercy we are still standing and withstanding. Many ask to name one hallmark of our ministry,...
Greetings again my Brethren. This month we will end the section “A Divine Work” looking at the last two points of the call of the Apostles which means “sent forth ones.” We give much acclaim and notoriety to the Apostles, but in reality they were no more special than...
Greetings again my Brethren. For the last few months we have been looking at the call of the apostles, but do you know you too are called as the Apostles were? Yes they have their special place in God’s good plan, but guess what so do you. Are the Apostles any more...
Never despise humble and small beginnings. Pictured is Pastor Tek Dahal and his church board in Nepal over 15 years ago with the beginnings of a radio station, but today “Good News FM 105.1,” the only Christian owned radio station in South Asia, is on the air 18 hours (would be on 24 hours, but rolling black outs get them) for the glory of God. Please keep Pastor Tek, Good News FM 105.1, and the good folks of Nepal in your prayers.
Pebbles of Truth
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:30AM
WJCV Radio 1290 AM or 98.3 FM