The Call of God: More Preparation

The Call of God: More Preparation

Greetings again my Brethren. For the last few months we have looked at Moses making excuses and raising objections to His call from God. One thing for sure if you do not really want the call of God (even though it is God’s plan for your life) then the best God...
The Call of God: More Preparation

The Call of God: More Preparation

Greetings again my Brethren. Let us continue this month looking at how God raised up a “nobody” to be used greatly in His service. Remember God never calls the qualified, He qualifies (or approves) the ones He calls. This month we will look at two more...
The Call of God: More Preparation

The Call of God: More Preparation

Greetings again my Brethren.  I do not know about you my friend, but every time God asks me to go somewhere or do something I am not so ready to respond. Sometimes like Moses God must get my attention that I may know it is God and not me with a good idea and so that I...
The Call of God: More Preparation

The Call of God: More Preparation

Greetings again my Brethren. Well another year is at hand and life continues. I am amazed at how time passes. When growing up the lazy days of my youth would seem to take years to pass, but now years seem to pass in days. And the promise of the return of Christ is yet...
The Call of God: More Preparation

The Call of God: Aligning with His Nature and Character

Greetings again my Brethren. Let us continue to look at God’s character so we can align ourselves to what He looks like, How He moves, how He operates and yes even how He loves. Unless we can become like Him (as seen in the person of Jesus Christ) we will never...
The Call of God: More Preparation

The Call of God: Preparation, Qualification, Providence

Greetings again my Brethren. Before God can use us in ministry so that we answer His call we must allow God to reveal Himself to us. As we look at the life of Moses, the one called by God (not by Pharaoh or even Moses) to lead his people out of 430 years of harsh...
The Call of God: More Preparation

The Call of God – Somebody to Nobody

Greetings again my Brethren. Last month we looked at how God drained Moses of his self-sufficiency and now he finds himself a nobody. What a wonderful place in God to be a nobody. We start in God and think we are a somebody, but when God gets through with us (if God...
The Call of God: More Preparation

The Call of God – Drained in the Wilderness

Greetings again my Brethren. Wow here we are starting our 14th year by the grace of God. I so thank the LORD and all who have stood with us and BHG, may the LORD richly bless and keep each and every person who supported us through prayer, finances, or any other means....