Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Greetings again my Brethren. Let us continue to look at God’s divine enabling in our lives.  I know it is hard to believe, but many Christians have a hard time believing it is God who enables us to do all of the great things we do for God.  They...
Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren.  God has so many benefits for us,  this day, and not in the sweet by and by in the future.  Whether we receive of these benefits of God is not up to God, but up to us.  The requirement for receiving of God’s...
Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren.  And another year is upon us.  With each passing year I thank God for His long suffering and mercy.  That would be for my waywardness at times and for the waywardness of mankind in rebellion to God’s word.  I do...
Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren. let us continue to look at some more of the benefits of waiting on God. In the last two months we have looked at how God exceeds all of our natural expectations and last month we looked at how it gives God an opportunity to demonstrate His...
Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren. When we think of the benefits of waiting for and on God we never scratch the surface of God’s intentions for us.  We only have examples we find in the Scriptures, but more important to us is  some personal experiences we...
Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren.  As in all we do in life we do things and look for the benefits.  So too it is in our walk with the LORD.  In God He makes an investment (His precious Son Jesus Christ) and He is looking for a return the redemption of our...
Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren.  Wow we start our 17th year of Beholding His Glory (BHG).  It only seems like yesterday we were in Germany and God said, “put a name to my travels” and BHG was birthed in me and the world. I am ever amazed to see what...
Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Waiting on God – His Charactoristics

Greetings again my Brethren.  Like all things in God time will tell  what we have learned and what we still have to learn.  Time is something we all have the same of and no matter what we say or do (unless God intervenes) cannot alter.  The...