Deeper Truths for Hungry Hearts

Deeper Truths for Hungry Hearts

THOUGHTS FOR CONSIDERATION: Greetings again my Brethren. Three times a month Karen and I drive 1 1/2 hours one way to Craven Correctional Institution (used to be called Craven Prison) to share the Word of God with the inmates. What a wonderful opportunity to share the...
Father in the LORD

Father in the LORD

By David Stahl I recently had three emails shot gunned to me from an older fellow I recently met. Now I am not going to go into the fellow, but in one the fellow’s emails he mentioned, “due to my maturity in God I am a father in the LORD.” Now this...
February 2024 Newsletter

February 2024 Newsletter

          ”But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. “ (2 Corinthians 3:18) THOUGHTS FOR CONSIDERATION:...
Deeper Truths for Hungry Hearts

Deeper Truths for Hungry Hearts

THOUGHTS FOR CONSIDERATION:           Greetings again my Brethren.  Okay more this month on places where the word of God may be received. Last month we looked at a glamorous place, a place where we all desire to aspire...
Tell Me No Lies

Tell Me No Lies

 By David Stahl           Our words should matter more than what they do, but sadly today people (even Christians) tell us things they never intend on doing.  Now I can kind of understand someone who in not saved and filled with the Holy Spirit after all I expect...
January 2024 Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter

”But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. “ (2 Corinthians 3:18) THOUGHTS FOR CONSIDERATION:          ...
Deeper Truths for Hungry Hearts

Deeper Truths for Hungry Hearts          

THOUGHTS FOR CONSIDERATION:           Greetings again my Brethren. Okay let us continue with our series on the Oracles of God as we look at the Diversity of Divine Communication.  Last month we started a new section of...