While driving back from Framingham, MA God gave me this article. There is a critical need in our family (between me and my brothers and sisters) for reconciliation. I have seen it and felt it for years, which each lie they perpetrate against us and with each upset...
Over the years we have had many people come and live with us. There is one thing I have noticed over the years; the longer they stay with us and the more familiar they become with our family the less appreciative and grateful they are of us. Some would act like they...
The longer I go with God the more I am convinced God is more concerned with our character and how we do things for Him than what we do for Him and our abilities. After all our abilities and talents are God-given, so why do we think God is impressed? Why do we go...
Service in God always begins with three things: submission to God, obedience to His word (written and spoken) to us, and death to our selfish self-centered ways. Now please be careful there is a huge difference (and difficult to understand) between obedience (what...
The longer we go with God the more struggles we will have in our lives. This is why many people turn their backs on God and walk no more with Him. All of these struggles in our lives center around our submission and obedience to God and His word. It is always about...
When Jesus told the disciples and the crowd that followed Him, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 14Ye are the...
When we first come to the LORD our heart is soft and open, truth has no problem finding its way to our heart and Christian living, but as we go on in the LORD there seems to be a spirit that begins to grow in us and if not careful it can move us out of God. Now it is...
Karen and I just returned from being with our son Daniel and his wonderful family. When I see Daniel and his son John I see so many similar characteristics. From their red hair to their passionate personality I see how John was made in the image and likeness of his...
Never despise humble and small beginnings. Pictured is Pastor Tek Dahal and his church board in Nepal over 15 years ago with the beginnings of a radio station, but today “Good News FM 105.1,” the only Christian owned radio station in South Asia, is on the air 18 hours (would be on 24 hours, but rolling black outs get them) for the glory of God. Please keep Pastor Tek, Good News FM 105.1, and the good folks of Nepal in your prayers.
Pebbles of Truth
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:30AM
WJCV Radio 1290 AM or 98.3 FM