Greetings again my Brethren. Like all things in God time will tell what we have learned and what we still have to learn. Time is something we all have the same of and no matter what we say or do (unless God intervenes) cannot alter. The...
By David Stahl If the Lord had made spirituality both attractive and easy to attain, multitudes would have followed Him, but we know as we walk this wondrous path with the LORD, “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). The first thing we...
Greetings again my Brethren. This month we will do some comparisons and contrast, and a literal rendering at some of the verses in the proper characteristics section. Always remember context is critical. It is so easy to take a verse that is...
By David Stahl This year in what many Christians called the “Christmas” season (word and principle not found in the KJV of the Bible) the LORD really opened up the old story from Jesus’ birth found in the second Chapter of Luke. I can hear that...
Greetings again my Brethren. Let us continue looking at the four remaining proper characteristics in waiting on God. The next proper and seventh characteristic is patiently. Now this one we all can relate to. Not many people are truly...
By David Stahl Over the last two or three years as God kind of slowed us down from going abroad six to seven times (that is every other month) a year and resting us I often thought about how we operate in God for a specific time while fulfilling a specific function...
By David Stahl The longer I go with God the more I see how we easily substitute meanings of words and precepts. Now for some words this is not a big deal, but when we start talking about words that affect our concepts such as compassion, mercy, and especially...
By David Stahl As I walk with the Lord and the longer I go with Him the more I see a paradoxical (a statement that seems to contradict itself or seems false, but may be true in fact) truth. Nowhere is this paradox seen then in our giving. On one hand there...
Never despise humble and small beginnings. Pictured is Pastor Tek Dahal and his church board in Nepal over 15 years ago with the beginnings of a radio station, but today “Good News FM 105.1,” the only Christian owned radio station in South Asia, is on the air 18 hours (would be on 24 hours, but rolling black outs get them) for the glory of God. Please keep Pastor Tek, Good News FM 105.1, and the good folks of Nepal in your prayers.
Pebbles of Truth
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:30AM
WJCV Radio 1290 AM or 98.3 FM