God’s Unknown Nature

God’s Unknown Nature

God brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt across the Red Sea, through the Wilderness of Shur and Sin to have a face to face meeting with Him. We read in Exodus,   “And all the people saw the thundering, and the lightning, and the noise of the...
Fear Not

Fear Not

I just returned from a ministry trip to Bulgaria and Romania as always the people were so giving and kind.  I find those who have the least give the most and this trip was no exception.  All along the 17 days we (Darrell Pope and I) were gone as I beseeched...
God’s Unknown Nature

Reckless Abandonment

Some people say (and I strongly agree) we are not really ready to live unless we are ready to die.  Did you know losing our life is the heart of Christianity if we desire to become what God wants us to become?  In the Gospel of John we read, ...
Our Selfishness

Our Selfishness

By David Stahl Karen and I (and even Connie and Joshua) like Boxers as pets.  Over the years we have had many boxers.  When we moved to Germany in 1996 we brought two dogs:  one named “Rocky” half Cocker Spaniel and Lhasoapso and the other...
Fear Not

The Intent of Our Heart

By David Stahl No matter what we do (even for God) does not matter if the intent of our heart is wrong.  All of our service and good works in the church, money given, even our perfect attendance will not matter to God if our motives and intentions are...
Self-Will Must Go

Self-Will Must Go

By David Stahl Obedience is found in denying self’s will.  This was so for Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. He (Jesus) became obedient.  He (Jesus) humbled Himself.  He (Jesus) became a servant.  He laid aside His own will.  Thus,...
Fear God Fear Man

Fear God Fear Man

By David Stahl When I grew up in West Virginia life was slow, quiet, and safe.  Fear was not eve on our radar.  My father would pull up in the drive way and toss his keys onto the hood of the car, leaving them over night, and in the morning he would get them...

Waiting on God – His Characteristics

Greetings again my Brethren.  Well here we are in a new year.  I hear many Christians say 2020 was horrible, the worst year of their life and I shake my head and think what have we, in the last 40 or 50 years been through to make such a comment? Oh how soft...