By David Stahl

God’s heart for us is to be able to have communion (our heart to His heart) with Him, but this communion starts out from our communication with Him.  So the order is, no communication no communion.  If our desire can focus upon the Lord communication with Him will be open. We have evidence that this moved in Moses early  life.  There must have been communication from God to Moses when he was young (40 years old) for he was aware then that God wanted him to deliver his brothers from Egyptian bondage (Acts 7:23-29).  At the burning bush in Exodus chapter three we see a marvelous method of communication from God to Moses.  At Mount Sinai God called Moses to Himself for the purpose of a very lengthy communication.  Moses ascended, “And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.”  (Exodus 24:16) God’s call to us is always to “come up” and stand where He is. This extensive communication lasted 34 days probably without interruption day and night since Moses did not eat nor drink during that time (Deuteronomy 9:9).  I also believe Moses did not sleep during this time since it would be hard to sleep with God that close.  God called Moses and led him to the Wilderness of Sinai upon two different occasions to communicate with him.  Sinai (means God’s glory) is a place where God can communicate with man.  He may call us to the mount to communicate or at times God may call us to the wilderness to meet with Him, but His intent is to talk with us.  Communication follows the meeting.  Suppose we fail to meet with God due to fear or some other personal reason?  The communication which God intended does not occur.  He stands at the door and knocks.  If anyone hears and opens extensive communication can follow.  Do we desire Him enough to open the door or go to the wilderness to meet with Him? If so communication is established and a messenger is born.  The messenger becomes God’s mouthpiece to those who have not met with Him.  Jesus testifies of this,  “Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.  For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.”  (John 5:19-20)  If there is no communication, how can Jesus know what His Father is doing?  If he doesn’t know what His Father is doing how can He do His Father’s will?  Communication is necessary.  We need it.  We must have it even if it means living in the wilderness.  Communication is necessary for God needs messengers. He communicated through the angels (messengers) to the seven Churches in Revelation — chapters two and three.  He did not communicate directly to the Seven Churches.  God uses messengers.  It is the same today.  We do not go to church sit down and wait till God shows up to speak in person to us.  No we hear His messenger.  He used prophets to speak to the nation of Israel. There will be no messenger if there is no communication. Today God still seeks messengers.  But today they are getting as scarce as they were in Isaiah’s day,  “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”  (Isaiah 6:8) God desperately seeks those with hearing ears because  He can put His word into them.  His word can possess them and give a desire to meet with God to hear His communications.  God spoke to Moses,  “And be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and present thyself there to me in the top of the mount.”  (Exodus 34:2)  All things must be laid aside.  God wants hearts ready to meet with Him and to receive that which He has for them. Yes the meeting and communication is necessary if people will be able to receive from God.  God worked through human instruments and continues to do so.  Therefore in order to accomplish the will of God there must be the meeting of the mind of God with the mind of man.  Moses is called to the top of Mount Sinai in order to receive specific instructions from God for the children of Israel as well as God’s foundational direction for mankind.  God gave Moses the plans for the Tabernacle, Priestly arrangements, and so much more. The importance of this meeting between God and Moses goes further. God provided the wherewithal to prepare Israel for a successful conquest of the Promised Land.  The means of preparing their hearts was presented to Moses, which he in turn, presented to the people.  But they did not respond correctly.  They were rebellious and had no faith in Moses or God.  As the right relationship to God develops the desire to walk in the will of God grows.  As obedience increases, faith does likewise, and conquest is certain.