Deeper Truths for Hungry Hearts

August 2014 • Volume XII Number 12

“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Thoughts for Consideration:

Greetings again my Brethren. This month we will end the section “A Divine Work” looking at the last two points of the call of the Apostles which means “sent forth ones.” We give much acclaim and notoriety to the Apostles, but in reality they were no more special than you or I in God’s eyes. God is not a respecter of persons. We often see people (please take heed my friend to Christian TV most if not all is apostate man worship and denominational religion) God is using and say, “oh how I wish God would use me like that” well God is saying please let me use you like that.” Whether God uses us or not is not up to God (He desperately wants to), but up to us. Are we willing to do the things God wants to do in our lives to be approved and qualified for the things of God. The condition to be accepted and used of God is not who we are (being an American, German, etc), how much money or education (to include Bible School) we have, or even how talented or good looking we are. Peter tells, “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (Act 10:34-35) My friend please know, only through our “fear (awe) of him” and those who “worketh righteousness” will be used of God. All others are want-to-bees. There is no free ride in God. Everything we get from God will cost us something. Read your Bibles my friend to be used of God He will work you over inside so that your outside will be an example to the Body of Christ and to the world. Paul told Timothy (his student) “These things command and teach. 12Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:11-12) Paul told Timothy be an example to the Body of Christ then listed some way he could be an example, “in word” and “in conversation.” Now I hope we know just how powerful our words are they are life and death to us and others, but “in conversation” is not the same understanding we have today. The word “conversation” means not speaking, but our actions. Paul instructed Timothy to be an example in our word and in our actions. If our actions do not measure up to the words we speak then we are a hypocrite (an actor) and the world knows (sadly they have many examples) a hypocrite when they see one.

When called the Apostles were not just called, but they were sent forth “And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,” (Mark 3:14) and in the sending was a divinely arranged appointment to ministry. The word “ordained” (Strong’s #4160) which means: to make with the names of things made, to produce, construct, form, fashion, and to be the authors of, the cause. In churches and ministry today we “ordain” people as deacons, elders, pastors, and say they are now qualified (legally) to be the leader or have a certain standing, but that is not the context of the word “ordained” Mark uses. There is a huge difference between giving a title to someone to be a leader than to: be the author of, to cause, to produce, construct, form, and fashion. The Apostles (and us) were “ordained” by God to make a difference in the lives of people by producing, constructing, forming, and fashioning things of God in their lives. Not only are we to be examples, but we are to help create the image of God in the eyes and understanding of men and women. We see this in the end of 1 Timothy 4:12, “in charity (love), in spirit, in faith, in purity.” We are to be the example and help create, fashion, form: in love, in the spirit (now that is not the Spirit of God, but in brotherhood and compassion), in faith, and in purity. We are to be an example and help create these requirements of God in others so that they too can become disciples and Apostles of God. The Apostles were not only called and sent forth, but they were divinely equipped to meet the call God placed upon their lives. Not equipped with means and provision of men, but Godly means and a Godly provision that was divinely imparted to them. In Mark we read where Jesus gave them the authority, “And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:” (Mark 3:15) to heal the sick and over every evil work of the devil. What better way to get the attention of someone who is sick or possessed than to heal them or cast out the demon? These two situations in the world at this time (and our time now) were big problems due to religious worship, poor hygiene, and no medical care to speak of. Jesus knew what He was doing, but let us not miss the point of the verse they were sent forth ones or equipped with a divine arrangement and appointment to do the works of God as Jesus did them. Man apart from God cannot heal (even with the advancement of modern medicine) or cast out devils. Only a divine God can give man a divine ability to do the divine things He has asked man to do. God called them, God “ordained” them, God sent them forth, and God equipped with an ability to do divine things.

Next month we will start a whole new section “A Divine Provision” and begin looking at the disciples dependence on God and not their independence. Can you hear Him now?


Falling Away

Over the years we have had many people come and live with us. There is one thing I have noticed over the years; the longer they stay with us and the more familiar they become with our family the less appreciative and grateful they are of us. Some would act like they were one of the family with rights to voice their opinion and help make decisions. There is a precept in man that says the more familiar we are with something the greater the chance it will cause contempt in our lives. The concept (we get our concept from our precepts) is familiarity breeds contempt. I have not only seen this in our family, but I have seen this moving in churches we have attended and in the one I pastored. And the more familiar the workers and leaders get with the pastor the greater the chance the leaders and workers will rise up and think they need to put down the spiritual authority God established. I have seen this play out time and time again in church after church and home after home. Now I am not saying a pastor or husband should be above the workers and leaders or family members in some god-like relationship, but there are places the pastor and the husband must walk alone (during God’s dealings and judgments in his life) with God where even the wife must not enter. Alone on the mountain tops and alone in the wildernesses Moses walked with God, so too must the pastor and husband who wants to be led by God. Leaders, workers, and family members please be careful and do not get over into in this area of contempt for your pastor or husband. The longer you stay around someone and the more you get to know them the more you begin to see their character flaws and short comings. The more you see this the more you will get offended by their flaws and short comings. Why should I listen to them (pastor or husband) I know better, who does he think he is? I know what I am saying because I have said these very words.

The Bible says in the last days there will be a great falling away from the faith, I have often wondered how this could be true when we have a church on almost every corner (in America and in most developed cities around the world) and channel after channel on TV in the morning hours have a church service or Christian entertainment talk show or conference. Well, the answer is quite clear, the falling away from the faith will happen because of the familiarity we have for God without true understanding and fear of Him. Remember when we lose the fear of God we also lose the perfect love that casteth away all fear (1 John 4:17-18) and then we get offended. It is no wonder many in the world and in the church are full of fear (loss of control), they are not filled with faith (God in control) and offended. Either we will be full of fear or faith, they cannot exist in the same heart. Did you know getting offended will cause the great falling away in the last days? Paul tells us, Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) How could this be with the word of God preached around the world 24 hours a day? Because of a familiarity that breeds contempt for God and His word. A familiarity of the things of God without true understanding (by His Spirit) of the mind of God and true lack of fear of God. It is no wonder Jesus Himself said about His coming back to earth, “I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) Not that He (Jesus) will not find all kinds (denominational and a network of non-denominational) of churches, Christian programs, and all of the religious activities on earth, but, “shall he find faith on the earth” and why no faith? I believe because people became so familiar with the things of God they just walked away from Him in their thoughts and heart.

We see this moving in Luke in what we call the parable of the prodigal son.   I am not so sure this parable is about a son who returns home after squandering his wealth, but more about a son who did not honor his father and a father who did not know how to raise his children. The redemption story of a wayward son puts the monkey on the son’s back and preaches a whole lot better on Sunday morning than having the fathers in the congregation to take a good look at their relationships with their children and an inward and honest retrospective review of how they have raised their children. After having kids, this parable has taken on a whole new meaning and revelation to me. One child he (the father) let go to spend his life’s wealth reward on his selfish pleasures and another son he never noticed the difference and division between the two sons. I believe this parable is more a lesson how not to be a father. In Luke we read, “And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant. 27And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound. 28And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him. 29And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends: 30But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf. 31And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. 32It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.” (Luke 15:27-32)Now here is the point; the eldest son who lived with the father knew his father and I believe developed a contempt for his father to the point he would speak against him. ”And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:” Children this is the height of spiritual rebellion to speak against your parents. It does not matter what they have done or how bad you think they have failed you the command from God still is, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) 3That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” (Ephesians 6:1-3) Age has nothing to do with “Honoring thy father and mother,” as long as you both are alive they will be your parents and you will be their children. It is wrong thinking for parents to think their children are equal to them or worst for the parents to take their children as confidants seeking advice. This is backward and against God’s word. “Honoring thy father and mother” has nothing to do with caring for our parents in old age or even saying I honor you I honor you, but becoming what they taught in our youth. True honor is becoming like the parents. A true compliment of a student is to become like their teacher. Now this is a double edged sword. If parents are evil then their children too will be evil unless there is a change in their heart. What parents are children see and model after. Jesus time and time again made a point of saying when you see the Father you see the Son. Jesus was a wonderful manifestation and model of the Father, He always did and said what His Father told Him to do and say. What honor, maybe double honor. Many teach the father in this parable is God restoring man to Himself, but that is not what the Bibles says. We must never project things from the word of God and make them ours in application. We must strictly and narrowly discern the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit, if not we get over into presumption and lead people into deception and astray from the truth of the word of God. This is why we have so many religions and denominations that have risen from one Bible. Can they all be right? I think not. If there is only one way (and there is) to the Father, through Jesus Christ, then how can many religions and denominations use the one way with different rules, rituals, and requirements? Be not deceived, God is not mocked. The father could not have been God because he does not bring restoration between his two sons nor does he bring restoration between himself and his eldest son. The parable leaves these issues of the heart unsettled and this is not keeping with God’s heart for the family. This parable is to fathers, to be careful how they raise children to not pit one child against the another (love one more than the other) and to children to be careful to take heed not to develop a familiarity that would breed contempt for their father. Consider the parenting skills of Isaac and his two sons Jacob (who later became Israel with kids of his own) and Esau, his favorites. Later in the genealogy story we see these truths played out in the life of Israel (Jacob) and his 12 sons, how he loved Joseph and Benjamin more than the rest and in return how his sons (the eldest Reuben went after Bilhah, one of his father’s wives) developed a familiarity of contempt to the point they would consider killing their own brother Joseph. I wonder where Israel learned his parenting skills? From his father Isaac. Fathers take heed not to set some things into motion that will bear fruit in the next generations of your family. The Bible is full of examples where people get too familiar with God (or the spiritual authority in their lives), get offended, and fall away.

God took me all the way to Romania to show me how dangerous this offense within us can lead us out of the way we must go and destroy us.   Do you know we could not be offended if there is no offense in us? “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” (Psalms 119:165) What a wonderful place in God where, “nothing shall offend them.” Well, this is the place God desires to take us all. This is the place we all must strive for in Him where we do not get offended time and time again by our brothers or sisters, or even God. We can often get too familiar with God and develop contempt to where we lose the fear and respect for a holy God. God becomes the man upstairs, our sugar daddy, or George Burns smoking a big cigar. We must maintain a fear and reverence for God that will keep Him a distance from us in our thinking as a God who is above all, yet in us all, and our all in all. We must allow God to work in our inward man to strengthen us, through His dealings and judgments, so that we do not easily become offended. How much victory in God do we have? Well that will be seen the next time we get cut off in traffic or someone takes advantage of us. We flippantly read verses that speak of the very elect shall be deceived (Matthew 24:23) and fallen away or when Jesus saying He will be surprised when He comes back to find any faith on the earth and they give us no pause or concern for these folks being us. Please do not miss this point, there must be, there has to be a falling away, God said it. Now I do not consider myself to be in the “elect” crowd how much more I need to take heed to myself and ensure I do not fall away the consequences for doing so is eternal death. Let us hold God and the mysteries of the Scriptures in the highest regards even above ourselves and our families in doing so we will ensure our place in God for time eternal.

Written by David Stahl



As we got closer to Dave’s recent trip to Ethiopia two things were clear to me, 1. I was going to drive to NJ and 2. I was going to drive to JFK airport in NY to pick up Dave alone. Quite frankly I didn’t want to do either, but I didn’t dwell on it. When Dave is home he always drives us everywhere. So while on his trip I ran some errands and took care of a few ministry things. When the time came I drove to NJ via the coastline knowing it is less confusing, but slower. I had a good time visiting my brothers, sister, and parents before Dave arrived to JFK. Dave had emailed me and requested that someone go with me when I went to the airport to get him, but I knew I had to go alone. Initially I was supposed to pick him up on Tuesday, but that was the day they missed the plane. My Dad had offered to go with me then as it was an earlier flight. Dave called me Tuesday morning and told me to pick him up the next day as they missed the plane. That flight was later in the afternoon too late for Dad to go with me. But that was okay, God’s will be done as I said I knew I was to go alone. The next day I was to visit Dad and Mom and leave at 2:00 pm for the airport. I had mapped out my journey and memorized the way and even wrote a few instructions. All went well till I got to the airport and missed the correct off ramp. If you have ever driven in NY or NJ you know just what I am talking about. Now do not think you’ll be able to make a u-turn easily in NY. I kept driving further and further away from JFK until I saw signs for LaGuardia airport. Without traffic they really aren’t that far apart. So I threw caution to the wind and got off the highway, went down a side street, made a u-turn and stopped at a gym for directions. The lady there gave me spot on directions, however down the road I made another stop at a car rental place to double check and I was exactly where I needed to be. I made it easily to JFK, and in fact the signs were easier to follow from this direction. I found parking and as I was walking to the arrival terminal Dave called his plane just touched down. Now I know to some people this was no big deal. There are plenty of folks out there who have driven farther than I have, but for me it was a little out of my comfort zone. I seldom drive anymore and I’ve never driven from NC to NJ (10 hours plus) by myself. I have landed in JFK but I’ve never picked up anybody from JFK. Now I grew up in NJ and had been to Staten Island a few times, but off the main roads I’d be lost. Still all of this was a stretch for me. As I said though I knew that I’d be driving, but I also knew GOD would go with me. I know that I know God went with me. When I got a little side tracked in NY I panicked for about 2 seconds, then I snapped myself up, finished the journey, and got Dave. One thing is for certain the more you go with God the more you will get out of your comfort zone, GOD will see to it. But have no fear because GOD goes ahead of us. He leads and we follow. There is no safer place to be than following GOD. Our faith in GOD MUST be greater than our fear of the unknown. If we are in GOD’s will and we truly want to please HIM we (not God, but us) have to squash our fear and increase our faith (when He speaks) in THE ALMIGHTY. No matter what makes you afraid just remind yourself that GOD is not up in Heaven wringing his hands over any situation you will face. Far better for us to fear NOT doing what we’re supposed to do for GOD then to fear any situation or circumstance we find ourselves in. So do we not think that GOD has our best interest at heart? Yes you say? Well how about illness, cancer, death of a loved one, bankruptcy, you name it. Remember, “For we are his workmanship . . .”   (Ephesians 2: 10) He gets to make the call He gets to pick the sacrifice. My friend He is more than capable of taking care of us—no matter what. So brethren let us humble ourselves and go along for the ride with our GOD. He knows what’s best and we will not be afraid.

Written by Karen Stahl


1. In Silistra, Bulgaria Pastor(s) Niki Marsov and Emil Nedelchev. Included now are missionaries from Romania Nicu and Elena. Times are troubled in Bulgaria much prayer and support is needed.
2. Constanta, Romania Pastors Luke and Jacob at Bethel Church and George Ritisan at the Romanian Center for Cross-cultural Studies Bible School and the Faru (Lighthouse) Church.
3. In Suceava, Romania Pastors Nicu and Marcel at St. Andrews Church. They are still standing by God’s grace.
4. Pastor Joseph Mutua in Nairobi, Kenya needs your prayer and financial support.
5. Pastor Mike Olufemi in Aveile, Nigeria. He needs our prayers and support to be a light in great darkness.
6. Pastor S. J. Peter, Founder of DAWN Ministries in Hyderabad and Pastor Wilson and his son Pastor Julian in Sankaraguptham, India.
7. Pastor Metin Mintaz, Dan, Cathy, and members of Uskudar Son Buyruk Kilisesi in Istanbul, Turkey.
8. Pastor Elieti Msangi in Dar Es Salaam and Pastors Isreal Mutaitina and John Balone in Bukoba, Tanzania.
9. Monthly financial support for Vivian’s Maternity and Child Care Clinic project in Aviele, Nigeria.
10. Pastor Tek Dahl at Gethsemane, Church (his church) and their radio station “Good News 105.1 FM” in Kathmandu, Nepal.
11. Bishop John, Samuel Kamanzi (from the Congo), and, Emmanuel Ndolimana in Ruhengeli, Rwanda.

Next Home Group Meeting:

Our next Home Group Meeting will be 26 August 2014
232 Everett Drive
Sneads Ferry, NC 28460
Home: (910) 741-0489
at 7:00 pm, please RSVP


August: Local Ministry
September: Local Ministry
October: Local Ministry

I am still available to share what God has given me at churches and/or home groups. If God moves on your heart to support BHG or other ministries we personally know we would be honored to serve as a go between. Remember, if we want a blessing from God the spiritual principle is we must bless others. Remember, God is to you what you are to God.


David and Karen Stahl
232 Everett Drive
Sneads Ferry, NC 28460

Home: (910) 741-0489
Mobile: (910) 382-9287
FAX: (910) 741-0489

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